What is CargoCoin?
The full scale scope of the project extends to all transport areas – shipping industry (containers, bulk, break bulk, liquid bulk), inland transportation (trucks, railways), air cargo (transportation by planes, drones, etc.), other types of transportation, including, but not limited to: pipeline transport, space cargo, intercity and outer city shared rides.
Transport platform
Dedicated platforms for the different types of transport in development will be interconnected, allowing for infinite transportation functionality. The objective is the creation of synergy between the commodities & cargo traders with all transport means on a global scale. The integration of all participants and tools delivers unique, one of a kind eco-system.
Smart Contracts
CargoCoin utilises the transport platform, as a secure transfer and storage method by the means of smart contracts, as well as a payment provider for transport services and cargoes. Fully unleashes the potential of crypto currencies to act as an interactive way of sending, receiving, approving, rejecting and signing documents through the process.

Solving the problems of the shipping industry
The CargoCoin blockchain technology delivers revolution to the trade & transport by fostering optimisation.
CargoCoin solves a number of problems in the shipping industry:

Reducing Fraud
CargoCoin minimises the risk of fraud and in many cases completely eliminates it, by not releasing any payments until the counter parties’ pre-set conditions are fully met.

Lowering Costs
CargoCoin reduces costs, compared to high percentages, charged throughout the process by banks, brokers, agents, lines, ports, customs agents, couriers, insurers, etc.

Minimising Delays
CargoCoin avoids the delays by providing instant exchange, review and approval of documents and payments between the parties involved in the Smart Contract

Increasing Trust
CargoCoin relies on the public infrastructure of the Ethereum blockchain, backed by thousands of people in a peer-to-peer decentralised infrastructure.

Securing Information
CargoCoin is naturally secured. It relies on the blockchain’s proven hashing algorithm technology without the possibility of information leakage.

Safe Archiving
CargoCoin, not just allows but fully relies for full historic storage of all transactions ever conducted, thus avoiding risks of physical loss or destruction of paper documents.
Fund Utilisation

- Research & Development-30%
- Marketing & Sales-50%
- Administrative-10%
- Legal-3%
- Exchange listing-7%
ICO fund distribution

- pre-ICO-10%
- ICO-55%
- Team-15%
- Bounty & affiliates-10%
- Reserve-10%
Road Map
The CargoCoin roadmap is based on its full cycle of preparation, development, implementation and marketing. The project schedule is an estimate and may vary, depending on various factors:
Start of idea
-Q3 2017We started the idea of integrating the shipping platform with blockchain payments and smart contracts.
ICO preparation
-Q1 2018Preparing the Initial Coin Offering for CargoCoin, gathering a team, selecting advisors, preparing whitepaper...
ICO launch
-Q2 2018Launching the Initial Coin Offering for CargoCoin
Smart contracts
-Q2 & Q3 2018Programming of smart contracts on the ERC223 platform, testing and evaluation
Development stage 1
-Q3 & Q4 2018Development of the global shipping platform, connecting importers, exporters, ship brokers, forwarders, ship owners, etc. (Stage 1). Developing mobile application.
Blockchain integration
-Q1 2019Implementing blockchain smart contracts as core part of the shipping platform
Launch stage 1
-Q2 2019Launch of the global shipping platform
Marketing stage 1
- Q2-Q4 2019Year 2019 will be devoted to marketing and promoting the global shipping platform
Development stage 2
-Q4 2019Starting the development of an inland transport platform (Stage 2)
Launch stage 2
-Q1 2020Launch of inland transport platform
Marketing stage 2
-Q2-Q4 2020Marketing of the inland transport platform
Development stage 3
-Q4 2020Developing of the universal trading platform, directly connecting manufacturers, fleet owners and customers
Launch stage 3
-Q2 2021Launch of the all purpose cargo platform
Marketing stage 3
-Q2-Q4 2021Marketing of the all purpose cargo platform at stage 3
Development stage 4
-Q4 2021Development of air cargo platform
Launch stage 4
-Q2 2022Launch of the air cargo platform
Marketing stage 4
-Q2-Q4 2022Marketing of the air cargo platform
Development stage 5
-Q4 2022Development of supply chain platform connecting stages 1, 2 & 4 (shipping, inland and air transport)
Launch stage 5
-Q2 2023Launching of the integrated platform
Marketing stage 5
-Q2-Q4 2023Marketing of the integrated platform
CargoCoin's brainstormers
Michael E. Bryant
Chairman of the Advisory Board. CEO of Blockchain Ventures International; Executive Member, Blockchain Council; Adjunct Professor of International Corporate Finance at Russia’s Higher School of Economics; Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Lecturer, Moscow University of Finance & Law; CEO & Publisher, "Blockchain Daily News"; Member, Council on Foreign Relations
Simon Cocking
Senior Editor at Irish Tech News, Editor in Chief at CryptoCoinNews, and freelances for Sunday Business Post, Irish Times, Southern Star, IBM, G+D, etc. Number 1/18000 ranked member of the ‘People of Blockchain. public speaker at events including TEDx, Web Summit, Dublin Tech Summit
Anthony Abunassar
Anthony started at PricewaterhouseCoopers and then Rotschild & Co, Vice-President of Goldman Sachs and Vice-President of JPMorgan, before tackling the world of crypto trading and ICO investing. His pedigree in finance is unparalleled.
Cpt. Dr. Savio Gomez
Marine consultant working in Japan and Korea, Certified inspector (OCIMF SIRE, CDI & CMID), Auditor (OCIMF SIRE, CDI-IMPCAS, ISM, QHSSE, TMSA & MTMSA). PhD, MBA, MSC, AdvDip, Professor in Maritime Studies, Certified Blockchain Professional
Joshua Alexander
Joshua is investment advisor and has graduated from Pennsylvania State University. Joshua is a cyber security auditor and works in the field of penetration testing and software security.
Jonathan Chang
Co-Founder of Nauticus exchange, cryptocurrency entrepreneur with high level banking experience at ANZ, specializing in KYC, AML and CTF regulations as well as retail banking, merchant and eCommerce systems. An early investor in Bitcoin, he began his career as a marketing and sales manager for Playfair and Co.
Lin Hsiang Liao
Vice President at China Merchants New Energy, part of China Merchants Group, owner of: Shekou Container Terminals, Modern Terminals Limited, China Merchants Shenzhen Xunlong Shipping Co., China Merchants Energy Shipping, Hong Kong Ming Wah Shipping, Hua Jiang Transportation Economic Development Center, International Marine Containers Group
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Clemens Bechter
Asian Institute of Technology, PhD, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, MSc, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, BSc, University of Cologne, Germany
Edilson Navas
Founder at GBPA (Global Blockchain Pioneers Association), Community Manager of Enlte's South America, a decentralized social network and representative of medicohealth.io in Brazil and Latin America and BirdChain in Brazil
Vladimir Loshkarev
Vladimir is a passionate and enthusiastic entrepreneur with 10+ years' experience in business development, financial analytics and sales management. He is the Founder and CEO at Dylyver Technologies, a ride sharing and on demand package delivery platform. His specialties include: Big Data Management, Sales & Financial analytics, New Business Development and Blockchain.
Duyen Tran
Duyen is Founder & CEO Extradecoin.com, Founder & CEO Tokenstart.io and has nearly 10 years of experience in trade, finance and technology.
Bryan Ng
Ng is the founder and CEO of First Accountants, a CPA practice with locations across Melbourne, Australia. A Licensed Tax Agent and member of CPA Australia he founded Australian Education Connections and held roles at SalmonGiles/Davidsons, Smarts Home Finance and ResolutionsRTK

Cargo Technologies Limited is a registered company in England and Wales under the Companies Act 2006. Company number: 11234558. Registered office: 99 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XD, UK